[Grml] ASUS EEE pc

fred kbcboy at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 03:14:01 CEST 2009

I've used grml phuh (the next to latest release) without any issues.
I've also used backtrack.  On the eee 900.  With an atheros wifi card.
 Which model of EEE do you have?  The newer models have a different

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Josh Lawrence <hardbop200 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Just took possesion of a brand-new ASUS EEE pc.  Nice box, but it's
> currently running Windows, and I'd like to have grml on it.
> In researching this issue late last week, I ran across two posts, one
> that said that grml supports the EEE, and another that said that it
> would be "the next release" until it is supported.  While I don't mind
> getting my hands dirty, I'd prefer not to have to compile any kernel
> stuff due to time constraints.  Long story short, does the EEE work
> out of the box with the current grml release?
> Thanks all,
> Josh
> --
> Josh Lawrence
> http://www.hardbop200.com
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