[Grml] grml 1.1 works!

Maurice McCarthy moss at mythic-beasts.com
Wed Dec 31 21:14:29 CET 2008

Hi Again Josh

grml 1.1 was the release candidate for grml-2008.11 so I don't understand
why that did not work first time. Did you do anything different to cure
your boot problem?

Learning a new operating system both fun and frustrating - and a  lot of
work. grml seems to be a popular choice for the blind. It has loads of
documentation and tools for sysadmins. Take your time and read a lot in
/usr/share/doc. Please ask if you get stuck.

As to the file you wish to delete are you sure it is the virus file? I've
no idea one way or the other but the name suggests "digital rights
management" - which from a libertarian point of view I oppose - but it
just might be necessary to run some proprietary software on windows.
Anyhow, to get rid of it boot the grml 1.1 Now if your wife has a single
partition on a single hard drive its name in grml will be /dev/sda1.

You should already be in a root braille terminal with the command prompt
like this

root at grml#

or something like it. Root is the administrator and you need to be root.
Next you need to mount sda1 read-write. The recommended method is

root at grml# ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

If it refuses to mount try

# ntfs-3g --help

for the force option or else read the documentation folder or else try

# man ntfs-3g

The grml system has already created the directory /mnt/sda1 for you during
the boot sequence. Now the secure removal program can be used to
completely obliterate the file

root at grml# srm -su /mnt/sda1/windows/system32/drmclienp.dll

The -su means simple delete and remove the name of the file from the
- - - -

Don't know about voxin sorry.

I'll try to compose something for both yourself and janusz about installing.

Must return to work now
Happy New Year

> Hi,
> I found a linux distribution that works! it's an older one with software
> speech. it's grml 1.1. and it works good. So, vibuntu may not work on this
> machine, but oralux and grml 1.1 work fine. ok, so now I have a question.
> can someone tell me, keeping in mind that I have never used linux before
> in
> my whole entire life, I am a complete newby to grml and commandline linux.
> But if I am going to be a network administrator I will need to learn some
> kind of Linux distribution, what matters is that it has a Linux kernel
> which
> of course, grml has it because it's Linux... so, can someone give me an
> introduction to it? my wife's machine has a virus in it called
> c:\windows\system32\drmclienp.dll . pay attention to spelling. so I want
> to
> delete this file and therefore get rid of the virus. but windows will not
> let me access the file. so how do I do this using grml linux 1.1? Also,
> will
> voxin work with grml linux? And also, can someone tell me how to partition
> my hard drive and install grml Linux1.1 alongside Windows xp? grml1.1 uses
> ESpeak for speech.
> Josh

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