[Grml-devel] First Release Candidate of Grml version 2014.03 released

Christoph Biedl grml.fksi at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Tue Mar 25 07:58:38 CET 2014

Andreas "Jimmy" Gredler wrote...

> So everything works as expected? Which squashfs are you downloading with
> fetch=? Your own? Is it 64 or 32 bit?

This part worked so far. And don't worry, no dirty tricks. It's just
all three files from the grml32small image itself.

> I made some tests with our squashfs files and I only had similar error
> messages when booting the 64 bit version. But it eventually fails with
> "Format exec error" which is obvious ;)
> (The 64 bit version works though when booting with grml64-full)

Cannot continue testing netboot, ipxe is driving me nuts one more
time. If anybody has an idea why a bitwise identical undionly.kpxe
works perfectly on one host but yields the dreaded "menu: command not
found" on a second one ... now running out of time I'd rather spend
for more tests.

Completely different story: Could somebody verify, using qemu-kvm as
in Debian wheezy (1.1.2+dfsg-6)

- Run "kvm -cdrom grml32-small_2014.03-rc1.iso"
- Trigger reboot, either "echo b /proc/sysrq_trigger" or
  "system_reset" on the qemu console (Alt-Ctrl-2)
- Choose "disable framebuffer" (to be able to read the early kernel

=> "XZ-compressed data is corrupt"

This did not happen with grml32-small_2013.09.iso but might be a
kernel/qemu bug as well.


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