[Grml-devel] First Release Candidate of Grml version 2014.03 released

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Tue Mar 25 00:51:07 CET 2014


* Christoph Biedl [Mon Mar 24, 2014 at 11:22:38PM +0100]:
> Michael Prokop wrote...

> > Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back
> > so we can complete the stable release soon.

> Feedback to the devel list here?

Sure, also welcome :)

> Using grml32small: I had never reported the CPU kernel options got a
> bit to tight in 2013.09 the latest (cx8 and cmov were needed). You
> reverted that on your own, and so a ten-year old VIA C3 based board
> boots again. (Not that I really care, that box is no longer in
> production.)

Ok, we basically follow what Debian is doing with their kernel to
keep it as close to Debian as possible.

> Just using it for a first test, on a probably not-that-common setup:
> grml toram fetch=http://...

> There are some messages from live-boot, all typos are mine:

> Begin: Copying /etc/resolv.conf to /root/etc/resolv.conf ... cp: can't create '/root/etc/resolv.con': No such file or directory

> Being: Preconfiguring networking ... /init: line 93: can't create /root/etc/resolv.conf: nonexistent directory.
> sh: !: unknown operand
> cat: can't open '/root/etc/resolv.conf': no such file or directory

> A /etc/resolv.conf does exists after startup and it has sound content,
> so perhaps this is rather cosmetical.

Ah, not really beautiful, right - thanks for reporting.

> More tests to come.

Great, thanks!

> > PS: As you might notice the ISOs increased again (e.g. from ~350MB
> > to 400MB for grml-full), if someone is interested in reducing the
> > ISO we welcome any patches, concrete feedback,..

> Can't hear ya!


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