[Grml] JFYI: Grml server migration on 2021-06-24

Geert Stappers geert.stappers at hendrikx-itc.nl
Fri Jun 25 11:57:14 CEST 2021

On 22-06-2021 08:10, Michael Prokop wrote:
> Hi,
> we test murphy's law by moving one of our main servers to a new
> location on 2021-06-24, starting at 11:45 UTC (AKA 13:45 CEST).
> Several of our services won't be available during the migration
> period, incl:
> * deb.grml.org (Debian repository)
> * Grml.org nameserver
> * git.grml.org (Git service)
> * mail.grml.org (Mailing, incl. mailing lists)
> * web (grml.org)
> If things go horribly wrong, we'll provide further updates via
> IRC (#grml on irc.oftc.net) and twitter (https://twitter.com/grmlproject).
> *fingers_crossed*

And where will be the success reported?    ;-)

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