[Grml] brltty

Philippe Delavalade philippe.delavalade at sfr.fr
Fri Dec 30 11:26:38 CET 2011

Le jeudi 29 décembre à 20:18, Ulrich Dangel a écrit :
> * Philippe Delavalade wrote [29.12.11 14:25]:
> Hi Philippe ,

HI Ulrich.

> JFTR we are currently discussing our decision regarding the brltty boot
> option. We just discovered that the bootoption was for example already
> according to http://mielke.cc/brltty/guidelines.html Christan
> Hofstaedtler reported
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=653587 while
> investigating the current state of brltty in Debian.

I have no information about this ; I'll try to follow these links next week.

> One small question does brltty really supports configuring itself via
> the bootoption?

Yes, perfectly for me with grml or debian.

> Do you need any parameters like -b -d or -t at all if
> you specify the brltty boot option in the commandline?

I don't understand exactly what you mean ; nevertheless, I'll try to answer
as best as possible :

1) with the correct boot option (for me brltty=pm,usb:,fr_FR), there's
   nothing more to do ;
2) without the boot option, after the tones in grml_2011.12, without any
   boot option about language, I have to use the -t option on the
   commandline ; but for someone connected with something else than usb,
   the -b and -d options are mandatory.

I hope this is the answer you are waiting for :-)

> > I don't agree :-) For me, it is simpler to use grml2iso one time :
> > 
> > grml2iso -b "my boot options" -o grml_brl.iso grml_2011.05.iso
> > 
> > and then, there's nothing to do !
> JFTR you can still do it:
> 1) Create a directory named /tmp/grml_overlay We will use grml2iso to
> copy the content of this directory to the iso.
> 2) Create a directory named scripts inside /tmp/grml_overlay and create a script named grml.sh inside the directory (/tmp/grml_overlay/scripts/grml.sh)
> 3) Inside the script run the necessary commands to start brltty

Shall I  se the bootoption style or the commandline style ? I guess the
command line but...

> 4) run 
> grml2iso -b "boot options scripts" -c /tmp/grml_overlay -o grml_brl.iso
> grml_2011.05.iso

I think you mean grml_2011.12.iso or is it a mistake from me ?

And in the -b parameter, shall I, for instance, type : "lang=fr scripts" ?

> The important option here is the scripts bootoption which will
> automatically run scripts/grml.sh at startup. This allows you to
> automatically start brltty on your own. The -c bootoption copies the
> content from the specified directory directly onto the iso image
> containing your script which will start brltty.

This is perfect for me but I fear it's a little complicated for other blind
people I know :-) 

> OVERLAY_DIR=/tmp/grml_overlay
> mkdir "$OVERLAY_DIR"
> mkdir "$OVERLAY_DIR"/scripts
> vi "$OVERLAY_DIR"/scripts/grml.sh

I should have used {$OVERLAY_DIR} or simply $OVERLAY_dir ; am I wrong ?

> chmod 755 $OVERLAY_DIR"/scripts/grml.sh
> grml2iso -b "boot options scripts" -c /tmp/grml_overlay -o grml_brl.iso grml_2011.05.iso

I'll try this as soon as possible but not this new year week-end.

> cheers,

Real thanks !

Ph. Delavalade

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