[Grml] serial console with grml_2011.12-rc1

Ulrich Dangel mru at grml.org
Fri Dec 16 12:05:25 CET 2011

* Lupe Christoph wrote [16.12.11 09:06]:
> I just downloaded grml_2011.12-rc1 and booted it on my game PC.
> Using alsamixer, I found that all channels Except "Master" were at 0 dB
> and muted. When I unmuted the stereo channels ("Front") in alsamixer
> and turned up the volume, I was able to hear a WAV file.
Just for the record i just pushed two changes to git which should
improve the situation. First one explicitly unmutes the channel and the
second one will set the volume also on the Front mixer control. Maybe we
have to rethink it and just unmute and set all channels instead of only
setting Master, PCM, Front.

twitter: @mr_ud  | identica: @mru
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