[Grml] ssh server with grml_2011.12-rc1

Ulrich Dangel mru at grml.org
Thu Dec 15 01:57:47 CET 2011

* John G. Heim wrote [15.12.11 01:24]:
> I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong. Here's the contents of
> /proc/cmdline... Note that it does not contain what I typed. I think

It actually contains your ssh=bogus entry which is correct. I just
downloaded grml64-2011.12-rc1 and it works for me.

> the problem is that I have to press some down arrows and/or tabs
> when the disk stops spinning. I have just been typing my grml
> command...
Grml switched to a graphical menu a while ago. You just have to press
tab and enter the addtional boot parameters like ssh=bogus which you did
according to the content below. You do not have to add the grml paramer
like you did but there is no harm if you do it.

> initrd=/boot/grml/initrd.gz boot=live bootid=grml201112rc1
> apm=power-off vga=791 quiet nomce grml ssh=bogus
> BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/grml/linux26
It seems that this is the correct commandline. I just tested it and it
works for me. Is there maybe a firewall in between? Otherwise can you
test if there is a sshd running on the machine with pidof sshd? You can
also try to access the ssh daemon from the machine itself with:

ssh grml at grml.local

which should ask for the password of the host.

> >We are currently thinking about adding a beep after the bootloader is
> >loaded. Hopefully this will help to add customized parameters to the
> >commandline.
> That would be very nice.

You can test and use a test version from
which should contain the beep in the bootloader. This is atm untested.
Please be aware that this iso is a 64bit one. I can't offer you a 32bit

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