[Grml] Using GRML2HD in a productive environment...

Werner Flamme werner.flamme at ufz.de
Wed Mar 4 09:13:57 CET 2009

Keith Hinton [02.03.2009 00:33]:
> How would GRML2hd be used in an productive environment necessarily?
> I'm curious about that.

As every other Linux distri too. Why should there be a difference?

> I have an Internet domain that I want GRML to be able to resolve to an
> IP address, or at least realize that the domain exists.

This is done by a DNS Server. DNS means "Domain Name Services". This
service translates a domain name into an IP address. It is provided by a
"name server".

> So, hear is my question.
> What happens in grml if I add to resolv.conf:
> search "domain.org" without quotations, (assuming) that domain.org existed?

No, this works in another way. For example, if you enter "ping foo" and
a machine named "foo" is not known to your host, it will search again,
this time for a host "foo.domain.org". It may happen that this is not
known to your host either...

The DNS server normally is provided by DHCP (by most providers). If it
is not, or your "Internet domain" is not known by your dhcp server
(which you can test by "dig foo", you will get a verbose answer telling
you - among other info - what name server is answering), you can add the
IP addresses to your /etc/hosts file like	foo.domain.org	foo


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