[Grml] speakup.synth boot parameter and grml2hd

Hermann meinelisten at onlinehome.de
Sat Jun 13 13:47:18 CEST 2009

On 13.06.2009 at 12:55:35 Michael Whapples <mwhapples at aim.com> wrote:

> What is the best way for me to test this? Do I need to just install a 
> later version of grml2hd when running the CD (eg. aptitude update; 
> aptitude install grml2hd) or do I need to download a new CD image (ouch, 
> that will hit transfer allowance)?
The first should work; this morning I got a new grml2hd via
safe-upgrade. (installed grml-2008-11)
If you want the latest grml2hd on CD, you only can find it on the GRML
daily CDs, I guess.

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