[Grml] Would ssomebody try to include ATI Radeon 9000 series driver to GRML Live CD?

Maurice McCarthy moss at mythic-beasts.com
Thu Jan 15 12:12:41 CET 2009


For the first question more accurate detail is needed. Do this

$ grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log >xerrors

This will create a new plain text file in the current directory called
xerrors. It contains only those lines on which EE appears when X tried to
load. My system gave this:

Current Operating System: Linux grml 2.6.20-grml #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 3
20:20:41 CEST 2007 i686
       (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable

Paste that files contents into an email to grml at mur.at

Second question. Do ls -R /usr/share/keymaps | grep cz (Notice -R is a
capital R for recursive not small r for reverse.) This will give you a
list of Czech keymap files. Don't know what you will find on the live CD
but my installed grml 1.0 gave this

cz-lat2.kmap.gz         lt.kmap.gz                 se-fi-ir209.kmap.gz
cz-lat2-prog.kmap.gz    lt.l4.kmap.gz              se-fi-lat6.kmap.gz
cz-us-qwerty.kmap.gz    lv-latin4.kmap.gz          se-ir209.kmap.gz
cz-us-qwertz.kmap.gz          mac-usb-fr_CH-latin1.kmap.gz
sunkeymap.kmap.gz        sunt5-cz-us.kmap.gz      sunt5-ru.kmap.gz
sunt4-es.kmap.gz         sunt5-fi-latin1.kmap.gz  sunt5-us-cz.kmap.gz

So if I do loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/cz-us-qwerty.kmap.gz in
a terminal then I will have a Czech keyboard.

To do the same for X have a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf where you will find
something like

Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
       Driver          "kbd"
       Option          "CoreKeyboard"
       Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
       Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
       Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"

Change the uk to cz and restart X and you should then be right. European
keyboards are usually 105 keys rather than 104.


Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
> Dear core developers of GRML,
>     I would like to please You, if You could include ATI Radeon 9000
series driver to GRML live CD, because GRMLx reported error related
to ATI RAdeon 9000 graphics cart, so i was not able to execute
Gnome. I installed Gnome successfully, Gnome even tried to
automatically start during boot, but error messages related to ATI
RADEON 9000 series graphics cart appeared, so Gnome could not be
used. I Am very sad, that there is probably no tool such as apt-get
or similar tool for downloading and automatically installing device
drivers in Debian. If there is this script, could somebody give me
instructions, how to install driver for this graphics cart? GRML is
ammazing tool, there is even possibility to use utilities for rescue
data from corrupted partitions, and because fortunately, those tools
are console based, Yasr, Brltty and Speakup can be used.
> Next question.
> Could i change GRML language after booting A live CD to Czech unicode,
and can i switch Espeak synthesizer with Speakup screen reader to Czech
language? Or core developers of Grml modified source code of Espeak and
removed code, which could enable users to switch Espeak to other than
English language?
>     I Am aware, that core developers of Grml specially prepared this CD
for text tools user and for system administrators, and that they
prepared this distro for Xwindow and other included Window managers,
and that using Gnome after installing GRML to A hard drive is
experimental approach. I think, that grmlx script is working without
errors, grml2hd also worked fine. But in A specific hardware
configurations, user will have to download driver for his specific
device, this is common for all operating systems.
> Thank You for Your answers.

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