[Grml] grml user survey - please participate

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Sun Jan 28 19:15:27 CET 2007


I am pleased to announce that I am running a grml user survey.  The
purpose of this is to help grml developers gain a better idea of what
the grml user community is really doing and using, and what aspects
people would most like to see improved.

This user survey is heavily based on the survey done by Bryan O'Sullivan
for the Mercurial Project:
Mercurial is a great distributed version control system used at grml, see

Please participate! If you know grml users who do not read the
grml mailing list, please forward the survey to them and ask them to
take part. The more people that respond, the more useful the survey
will be! The user survey itself is available online at:
http://grml.org/user-survey/grml.txt as well.

Please send your responses directly to me (mika at grml.org), and do *not*
CC the mailing list.

Regarding privacy: I will not share your name or contact information
with anyone else unless you explicitly allow me to, but I may quote you
anonymously (unless you would prefer me not to).

At the end of February 2007 I will post a detailed report to the
grml mailing list and the grml wiki.

Thanks again for taking part!


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About you

    1. What country are you in?  What is your preferred language?

Getting started with grml

    1. How did you hear about grml?
    2. Did you encounter any problems with grml when starting to use it
       and if so which ones?
    3. Since which release do you use grml?
    4. Which version(s) of grml do you currently use?

Your habits

    1. Do you use grml for private use, work, unpaid projects, or even all of them?
    2. How do you obtain grml? Internet (http, ftp, bittorent or rsync?),
       magazines (Linux-Magazin, Linux-User,...), CD from friends?
    3. Do you use any other Live-CDs?
          * If yes: which ones and why?
          * If yes: how does grml compare to other Live-CDs you have used?
    4. Which operating systems/distribution do you usually work with?
    5. Do you use any platforms not x86 based?
          * If yes, which ones and how often? (daily, weekly,...)
    6. Which languages do you speak and which ones do you use via
       lang=... bootoption with grml?

What you think of grml

    1. Overall, how happy are you with grml?
    2. What do you like about using grml?
    3. What would you most like to see improved about grml?
       (features, bugs, plugins, documentation, ... - whatever you think of)
    4. If you want to see grml more widely used, what do you
       think we could do to make this happen?


    1. Do you use the grml wiki? If yes, do you find it useful?
    2. Do you find available documentation useful?
    3. What is your favourite user documentation for any software
       projects or products you have used?

Which tools do you use

    1. Which tools do you use most frequently on grml?
    2. Which scripts of the following ones do you use? [add yes/no]
          * grml-ap:
          * grml-bridge:
          * grml-crypt:
          * grml-debootstrap:
          * grml-network:
          * grml-router:
          * grml-vpn:
          * grml-x:
    3. Do you use grml as harddisk installation (grml2hd)?
          * If yes: why?
    4. Do you use grml on your usb device through grml2usb?
    5. Do you use any special bootoption on regular base?

Getting help, staying in touch

    1. Have you tried to get grml help from other people?
          * If yes, did you get these problems resolved quickly and to
            your liking?
    2. Have you used the bug database?
          * If yes, did you find it useful, easy to use?
    3. Do you subscribe to the mailing list?
          * If yes, do you find it useful, and traffic levels OK?
    4. Do you use the IRC channel (#grml on irc.freenode.net)?
          * If no, did you know that grml developers use
            IRC, and that there's almost 24-hour help available?

Open forum

    1. What other comments or suggestions do you have that are not
       covered by the questions above?
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