[Grml] (no subject)

Mario Lang mlang at debian.org
Sun Jan 8 23:33:16 CET 2006

Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org> writes:

> [CC: to Mario Lang, our accessibility guru]
> * Scott Berry <electronicman1961 at myfreedombox.com> [20060108 14:38]:
>>  Got a good one for ya.  I am trying to get Grml coming up with braille. The 
>>  line I type in is this "grml brltty=fs,usb:,nabcc" and the only thing I 
>>  recieve is the fact that the Braille display is a 20 c cell display.  It is 
>>  the Fs Pacmate display I am wanting to use.  As you can tell it is Usb.  Any 
>>  help would be greatfully appreciated.  Also this is going on a Toshiba laptop.
> Which version? grml 0.5?
> Mario, do you have any hints?

Is grml still using the plain Debian package (3.4.1)?  If so, its
basically my fault since brltty-3.4.1 is too old for what the user
tries to do.  A upload of brltty-3.7.2 is in the works, but currently
blocked by some bugs.


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