[Grml-devel] Package request: gnupg2

Hendrik Jaeger grml at henk.geekmail.org
Thu Feb 21 18:05:53 CET 2013


Please consider including the package/software 'gnupg2' in the grml
live CD.

Quote from

> Is there any LiveCD that has GPG 2.0.18 (or higher) on it?
> I plan to generate some secret keys to store on a smartcard, and to
> backup on a USB device. To minimize the risk of Key compromise, I'd
> like to do the key generation on an offline machine.
> I could do a regular install for this, and wipe the harddrive after
> I'm done, but it would save a lot of work if I could boot off a
> LiveCD.
> But since I'd like to move a 4096bit key to a smartcard, I need 2.0.18
> (or higher). Are there LiveCDs that have this version on them?

It seems the only live system providing that package is knoppix' DVD
version (see reply to the quoted message on the gnupg-user list).

Thank you very much for consideration and putting together such a
fantastic system! It has helped me many times already and I stole
config parts which made my life as an admin much easier. I hope you can
keep up the good work! :)

Best regards

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