[Grml-devel] About the new grml direction

Ulrich Dangel mru at grml.org
Sun Jan 1 23:10:40 CET 2012

* Marc Haber wrote [01.01.12 22:33]:

> Loading an 350 MB image to RAM takes considerably more time than an
> 130 MB image. 

You can load the image into ram after you started it via the command
grml2ram. This means you can copy it to ram while already working.

> Additionally, on my typically 1 GB large boot, I was
> able to place to grml-small images in addition to the normal /bot
> contents. I was already forced to resize /boot on my notebook because
> of grmls size increase.
As i said before you can place the grml iso images on a dedicated LVM lv
or on raid and use that for mounting the isos. Stacked setups will work
also (LVM on raid)


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