[Grml] making hardware speech work

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Sun May 13 18:20:56 CEST 2012

Hi John,

* John Heim [Fri May 11, 2012 at 09:24:11AM -0500]:

> I was wondering if the grml team would be interested in making
> hardware speech work in grml.

If we get feedback and patches like yours: sure :)

> I have a kernel patch that fixes a problem in the linux screen
> reader, speakup, to make it work with certain hardware speech
> synthesizers.  I don't know how to get it into the actual kernel
> code and I haven't even tried yet.  But the patch file can be
> downloaded here:

> http://www.math.wisc.edu/~jheim/downloads/patch-2012-03-06.patch

Thanks for the patch, could you by any chance try to get it
applied upstream? We try to stay as close to upstream and Debian
kernel as possible and we'd like to see improvements taking place
there so it's not just the Grml users who can benefit from it. :)

> Then you cd to your linux source dir and do this:
> patch -i patch-2012-03-06.patch drivers/staging/speakup/serialio.c"

> If you do that, you could also include a udev rules file that starts
> speech automatically if certain hardware synths are connected at boot
> time. That file is here:

> http://www.math.wisc.edu/~jheim/downloads/10-speakup.rules

Hm, this might be interesting also to Debian in general?
Maybe it would fit into the speakup-tools package. John, are you
familiar with reporting a bug within Debian using reportbug?

Thanks, John.


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