[Grml] Release Candidate 1 of grml 2009.10 available

T o n g mlist4suntong at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 23 18:53:49 CEST 2009

On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 13:04:42 +0200, Michael Prokop wrote:

> We have new release candidates: the first release candidate of version
> 2009.10 codename "Hello-Wien" is available!

Congratulations mika. Thanks grml team for your hard work. Downloading 

> Take a look at the release announcement for details about all the cool
> new features:
>   http://grml.org/changelogs/README-grml-2009.10/

One question, is the "kqemu" kernel module included for backward 
compatible reason? I think KVM can provide drop in replacement for kqemu 
and is much better, is it?


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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