[Grml] GRMLCFG working on 2008.11?

Johannes Kastl ojkastl at gmx.de
Fri Feb 13 15:07:55 CET 2009


I started the grml 2008.11 ISO image in a virtual machine (VirtualBox
2.1.12 on OSX 10.5), which had a 5 GB hard disk. I partitioned the hard
disk, and labelled one partition GRMLCFG (obviously after formatting it
;-) ). After restarting I mounted the image, and used

save-config -all

to created a file called config.tbz on that partition.

It seems to me that when booting something from that partition is copied
(long list of files), but neither the language setting nor the network
settings are restored. Is this normal? Should those settings be stored,
or are they excluded? As far as I understood the docu the whole /etc
should be saved.

During saving the config, I get errors the first time I run save-config,
saying that file xyz changed during reading. Disappears the second time
you run save-config.

Any hints? Tricks? Bugs?

| Yes, I know. But there are even conjobs running as user games?
Sometimes when cron is bored he starts playing games, didn't you know?  ;-)
(Aschwin Marsman and Robert Schiele on the opensuse-Mailinglist)

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