[Grml] grml on Asus eee-pc 700 -- Alsa problem

david.feest at arcor.de david.feest at arcor.de
Sun Aug 10 12:02:54 CEST 2008

Hello listmembers, 

I bought an eee-pc 700 and installed grml, since although I'm by no means a system admnistrator it provides me with exactly the software   
I need in everyday life! The installation  went fine and I set up a nice lightweight system using wmii as a windowmanage -- grml sems to be the ideal solution for a rather slow mini computer!

One problem remains:  I can't get the sound started. While there seems to be no problem configuring Alsa with alsaconfig, alsamixer gives me: 

  alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument

and amixer says:

  amixer: Mixer default load error: Invalid argument

Now, I've googled the problem and read that this can happen due to incompatible versions of the kernel and alsa. But that's impossible in this case, since on other computers, grml works out of the box . 

The sound card is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family)

Does anyone in the list have a clue? And is there anybody else using rml on an eee-pc?

Thanks in advance, 


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