[Grml] grml2hd: more files not found (was initrd.img not found)

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Wed Mar 7 09:04:27 CET 2007

* Hubert Gabler <loipersb at aon.at> [20070307 08:15]:


> Now, on the console again, I find a dozen error messages like this:
> Can't load /home/grml/.idesktop/icons/xxxx.png bailing --aterm (or--amix
> or ... --xterm)
> Check to see if the image and path to image is valid

> What can I do to make grml find the directory containig the *.png files?

The reason for this problem are some b0rken apps which don't allow
relative paths for configuration. :( There's a fix inside grml2hd
for this problem but it does not match any setup like in your case.

So to fix the issue just run:

  sed -i "s#/home/grml#/home/$USER#g" /home/$USER/.gkrellm2/user-config
  sed -i "s#/home/grml#/home/$USER#g" /home/$USER/.gkrellm2/theme_config
  sed -i "s#/home/grml#/home/$USER#g" /home/$USER/.idesktop/*.lnk

with $USER set to your username of course. This should fix the issue
with idesktop (and gkrellm2 as well). Run

  grep -r '/home/grml' .*

to locate any further possible problems but there shouldn't be any
further noticeable ones.

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