[Grml] suspend2 enabled kernel

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Sat May 27 10:55:27 CEST 2006

* Steffen Liebergeld <stepardo at gmail.com> [20060526 12:46]:

>  are there plans to support swsuspend2 in the future? Would be nice;-)

Basically I'm interested in it, because it should work better with
SMP systems which are coming to desktop systems with modern laptops
providing DualCore processors.

As kernel 2.6.17 will provide the SMP alternatives system this might
be even more interesting. *But*: the user-space software suspend
interface¹ will hit 2.6.17 as well. I'd like to see the things
"calming down" a little bit before integrating another out-of-tree
patch. Hopefully swsusp2 features will hit mainline at all in the
near future. But I'm keeping an eye on it anyway - promised. :)

¹ see http://lwn.net/Articles/153203/ and

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