[Grml] Lilo and the boot-prompt

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Wed Dec 20 11:01:19 CET 2006

* keithint38 at commspeed.net <keithint38 at commspeed.net> [20061219 16:15]:

> I am a Visually impaired user of GRML, and noticed that LILO brings up
> this boot-prompt thing, that isn't exactly that useful.
> I was wondering how to either perhaps get rid of the prompt, or at least
> how to set the timeout option to 0 so that LILO doesn't have a chance to
> display the prompt, and automatically boot up GRML without waiting for
> user-interaction?
> If that isn't possible, then I may switch to GRUB, eaven though I'd rather
> not.

http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=accessibility -> 'audible feedback'

And take a look at lilo's timeout and delay option -> man lilo.conf

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