[Grml-testing-changes] grml-etc_1.1.33_amd64.changes ACCEPTED in grml-testing

Archiv User archive at deb.grml.org
Sat Feb 27 02:46:16 CET 2010

1.1.33 of grml-etc successfully installed in grml-testing. 
Closes: 485
 grml-etc (1.1.33) unstable; urgency=low
   * /etc/inittab*: Use normal getty instead of mgetty and several
     baud rate settings to let getty figure out which mode should be
     used. Use '#grmlserial#' to mark the beginng of the lines that
     should be activated through grml-autoconfig when booting with
     serial/console bootoption (providing more flexibility for the
     user). Thanks to Zoran Dzelajlija for the detailled bugreport
     and suggestions. [Closes: issue485]
 22a1001a6b2d1868ffbaed43ddae15d93b76acc9 830 grml-etc_1.1.33.dsc
 289709b6296dcd0bb95d7d5dacd80aa19ab4d844 158481 grml-etc_1.1.33.tar.gz
 5472af225c58330e96520b4d7241bc5dfd377648 160164 grml-etc_1.1.33_all.deb
 52e297faa4b3e9fb135bf841bfb48465abca4d74f3a876a9c61c0a19a5e03320 830 grml-etc_1.1.33.dsc
 8c8c079fabbf127071725b7e513624f7d7d200d15070d710470cebc7f924d25d 158481 grml-etc_1.1.33.tar.gz
 f6428bbca7ca01698aa15fb420d9018fa3331b3ed06b2132e2da6da37b53e718 160164 grml-etc_1.1.33_all.deb
 f71609d346dab33425e1d7b1e7dc5851 830 grml optional grml-etc_1.1.33.dsc
 92c408b279f1bd5b2be56276f2f17562 158481 grml optional grml-etc_1.1.33.tar.gz
 fb8e51697aec934d1f519cca66ef8ebe 160164 grml optional grml-etc_1.1.33_all.deb

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