[Grml-testing-changes] grml-etc-core_0.3.73_i386.changes ACCEPTED in grml-testing

Archiv User archive at debs.grml.org
Tue Jul 28 18:00:49 CEST 2009

0.3.73 of grml-etc-core successfully installed in grml-testing. 
Closes: 706
 grml-etc-core (0.3.73) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Frank Terbeck ]
   * zshrc: Fix a problem when calling compinit can seem to cause zsh startup
     to hang forever. Reported by Rasmus Steinke.
   * zshrc: Fix problems related to TERM=mostlike in zshrc. Again reported by
     Rasmus Steinke.
   * zshrc: Give check_com a -g option to test for global aliases, too.
   * zshrc: Get rid of whence, once and for all.
   * zshrc: Insert a condition for loading /etc/default/locale
     [Closes: issue706]
   * zshrc: Set options a lot earlier and include noshwordsplit explicitly.
   * zshrc: Make functions insusceptible to user option settings.
   * zsh: move completion.d and functions.d to usr/share
   * zshrc: Include the current directory in the persistent directory stack.
   [ Michael Prokop ]
   * zshrc: add deborphan, pal and hnb to compdef _gnu_generic. Thanks for
     the suggestion to Carsten Hey.
   * Drop all 'Latest Change' leftover references in several config files.
   * Minor Debian packaging updates (to make recent lintian versions happy):
     - update Standard version to 3.8.2
     - depend on debhelper >= 5
     - don't call true binary with full path in preinst script
     - update debian/overrides
 36475b8d9f7b4f21b952cbc2935375f45d98f1bc 869 grml-etc-core_0.3.73.dsc
 66ab9f6c593d56b9b8c990b4aa6dad1504a8ffee 114893 grml-etc-core_0.3.73.tar.gz
 c82c5dc7852bd1ff418dcc6967cd44d0a3bdc776 118550 grml-etc-core_0.3.73_all.deb
 03e1cd205dd5c5efd439c5a00e83518b5e54b6fca045f5419f539775727807cb 869 grml-etc-core_0.3.73.dsc
 5c8a66331a4f80798098b72a753665dc5b20eeef4a1f6418b5345e0f11e29ffd 114893 grml-etc-core_0.3.73.tar.gz
 a0da3e6dce1d07fa1f44dd7f46936a74ddef668698088637e07b6ccaaf2fd507 118550 grml-etc-core_0.3.73_all.deb
 1d286ca9fc0c5ecc866ebb8c63f34a4e 869 grml optional grml-etc-core_0.3.73.dsc
 be82d4ce1614e6a760f13af07f71ee5e 114893 grml optional grml-etc-core_0.3.73.tar.gz
 8d5b9e94b0e70b3d329c7718b8eb9464 118550 grml optional grml-etc-core_0.3.73_all.deb

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