udev_0.125-6grml0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED in grml-testing

Archiv User archive at debs.grml.org
Sun Sep 28 15:40:51 CEST 2008

0.125-6grml0 of udev successfully installed in grml-testing. 

 udev (0.125-6grml0) unstable; urgency=low
   * Make sure to use /bin/mount instead of /root/bin/mount when using
     live-initramfs [new patch file debian/patches/path_of_mount_binary].
   * Resync with debian package (see changelog entry below for changes
   * Drop dh_installdebconf in debian/rules.
 cef8f771da3bf09c799deb9a7f1aeae8 256294 admin important udev_0.125-6grml0_amd64.deb
 933bc1114fcaaa1c63786c40820050dc 81066 libs required libvolume-id0_0.125-6grml0_amd64.deb
 69ca12a2da9d73dbef6a95bfc0d75792 2424 libdevel optional libvolume-id-dev_0.125-6grml0_amd64.deb

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