[Grml-live] grml-live_autobuild_grml-small_sid.sh [20090217] - error
root at amd64.grml.org
Tue Feb 17 01:15:43 CET 2009
Automatically generated mail by grml-live_autobuild_grml-small_sid.sh
There was an error creating grml-small_sid_20090217.iso
Return code of grml-live run was: 1
Executed grml-live command line:
/usr/sbin/grml-live -F -z -a i386 -s sid -c GRMLBASE,GRML_SMALL,REMOVE_DOCS,RELEASE,I386 -o /grml-live//grml-live_20090217.14674 -g grml-small -v 20090217 -r grml-live-autobuild -i grml-small_sid_20090217.iso
Executed FAI command line:
Executed FAI command line:
BUILD_ONLY= fai -C /etc/grml/fai -cGRMLBASE,GRML_SMALL,REMOVE_DOCS,RELEASE,I386 -u grml dirinstall /grml-live//grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot
The following errors have been noticed (several might be warnings only):
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot apt-get clean return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot aptitude -R -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install grml-crypt grml-vpn rsyslog adduser agrep apt atftp atftpd attr bash bing binutils bridge-utils bsdmainutils bsdutils buffer busybox bzip2 chntpw console-common console-terminus console-tools coreutils cpio cron cryptsetup dante-client dash dctrl-tools ddrescue debconf debconf-i18n debianutils deborphan dhcp3-client dialog diff dmidecode dmraid dmsetup dosfstools dpkg dselect e2fsprogs e3 ed eject ethtool file file-rc findutils firmware-ipw3945 fnord gawk gpm grep grml2hd grml2hd-utils grml2usb grml-autoconfig grml-debian-keyring grml-debootstrap grml-docs grml-etc grml-etc-core grml-hwinfo grml-network grml-policyrcd grml-rebuildfstab grml-saveconfig grml-scanpartitions grml-scripts grml-shlib grml-tips grml-usleep grub guessnet gzip hdparm hostname htop hwinfo ifplugd ifupdown inetutils-inetd initramfs-tools initscripts iproute iputils-ping ipw3945d ipw-firmware jed jed-common keychain klibc-utils knockd laptop-detect less lilo return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot apt-get clean return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot aptitude -R -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install links live-initramfs lockfile-progs login logrotate lrzsz lsof lvm2 makedev mawk mbr mdadm memtester mgetty mktemp module-init-tools most mount mpack mtools mtr-tiny ncftp netbase netcat net-tools nfs-common ntfsprogs ntpdate openssh-client openssh-server passwd patch pciutils portmap ppp procinfo procps psmisc pump readline-common reiserfsprogs resolvconf rsync rungetty screen scsiadd sed ser2net setserial sharutils smartmontools socket statserial strace sudo symlinks syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-utils tar tcpd tcpdump telnet timeout tofrodos tzdata ucf udev unp unzip usbutils update-inetd util-linux vlan vlock wget whiptail wipe wireless-tools wpasupplicant xfsprogs zip zoo zsh linux-image-2.6.26-grml aufs-modules-2.6.26-grml return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot apt-get clean return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot dpkg --configure --pending return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot dpkg -C return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: 32512 32512
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:ERROR: chroot /grml-live/grml-live_20090217.14674/grml_chroot apt-get clean return code 127
/var/log/fai/grml/last/software.log:8 errors during executing of commands
The following warnings have been noticed:
* nothing
There following dependency problems have been noticed:
* nothing
The following packages could not be installed:
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