[Grml-devel] Sponsoring request?

Bernhard Tittelbach xro at realraum.at
Wed Nov 22 18:12:58 CET 2017

On 2017-11-17 10:23, Evgeni Golov wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 09:58:08AM +0100, Michael Prokop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we received the following request (quoting the original, german only
>> sorry) via mail:
>> | mein Name ist Leonie Kaiser, bin Redakteurin bei Betrugstest.com und bin hier auch für Outreaches und Kommunikation zuständig.
>> | Während dieser Tätigkeit bin ich auf die Möglichkeit grml zu sponsern gestoßen. Da wir uns in letzter Zeit auf Open-Source-Projekte fokussieren, wären wir daran interessieren euch zu unterstützen.
>> | Wie du hier sehen kannst hat auch schon Inkscape.org ihr Vertrauen geschenkt. Wir würden uns freuen, auch euch finanziell bei eurer Arbeit auszuhelfen.
>> | Seid ihr an so einer Kooperation interessiert?
>> So they are offering sponsorship for linking to Betrugstest.com -
>> and Inkscape is doing this already, see:
>>   https://inkscape.org/en/support-us/sponsors/
>> Before clarifying any details I wanted to ask if there are any
>> objections against doing that. If the amount is reasonable enough we
>> could rent another server which would help us in refreshing/redoing
>> our (currently quite stuck) infrastructure.
>> Opinions?
> -1
> That site smells like a linkfarm, and I'd bet (hahaha) they are just shelling out money to buy links.

Definately feels more like an advertisement site than a test site.
Nevertheless they seem to write a lot of not-wrong text and have a
consumer-protection-themed twitter account.

My guess is, they want to make money by directing more onlinebetting traffic
to their partners as opposed to
people that don't pay them by halfheartedly establishing themselves as some
seal of trustworthiness.

They definately have paid and annoying advertisement for some of their
"trustworthy online betting" partners
on their site.

my opinion:
if grml needs the money than there are worse options
in ANY other case: -1, since I would rather not have grml associated with them

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