[Grml-devel] Splitting grml-scripts into grml-scripts and grml-scripts-core

chris h ch at grml.org
Wed Apr 20 20:23:28 CEST 2011


On 28 December 2010 16:56, Sebastian Boehm <sebastian at sometimesfood.org> wrote:
> Recently I talked to some colleagues of mine about having a
> grml-scripts-core package that only contains the grml-scripts needed
> for grml-etc-core's screen setup.

Let me thank you for your work!
Your patches have now been merged, and the resulting packages have
been released to the grml-testing repository:
  grml-scripts 1.4.3  http://deb.grml.org/pool/main/g/grml-scripts/
  grml-scripts-core 1.4.3  http://deb.grml.org/pool/main/g/grml-scripts-core/

The Recommends: update for grml-etc-core will be shipped with the next
grml-etc-core release.

Again, a big thank you from us!


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