[Grml-devel] grml-debootstrap git tree is dirty?

Tong Sun suntong at cpan.org
Mon Jun 7 05:24:16 CEST 2010


Does the following mean that grml-debootstrap git tree is dirty, or I'm
doing something wrong?

$ rm -rf grml-debootstrap

$ git clone git://git.grml.org/grml-debootstrap.git
Initialized empty Git repository in
remote: Counting objects: 1659, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1017/1017), done.
remote: Total 1659 (delta 1080), reused 975 (delta 638)iB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (1659/1659), 413.68 KiB | 367 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1080/1080), done.

$ cd grml-debootstrap

$ git checkout -b t/unmount
Switched to a new branch 't/unmount'

# hack grml-debootstrap

$ git rebase -i origin/master
grml-debootstrap: needs update
Working tree is dirty

$ git describe --dirty --long

Please help.
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