[Grml-devel] Grml startup time

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Wed Apr 14 10:38:53 CEST 2010

* Richard Hartmann <richih.mailinglist at gmail.com> [Wed Apr 14, 2010 at 10:25:46AM +0200]:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 20:12, Ulrich Dangel <mru at grml.org> wrote:

> > So my question is, is it worthwhile to put some effort into faster
> > startup? What else could be done (iso/squashfs sort)? Shall we switch to
> > dependency based booting at some point?

> Faster start-up is always better for obvious reasons. Not that I
> consider Grml to boot slowly, mind.

> Yet, if I had to choose between slow start-up and the tiniest chance of
> things breaking, I know which I would choose. An optional boot parameter
> to fall back to the old system would make sense, imo.


We should tweak the squashfs part, spot ways for improved readahead
and check out whether there are parts left where we could further
parallelize stuff - but all without breaking anything.

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