[Git-commits] [grml/grml-live] 89c439: GRUB templates: do not set root/chainloader but ju...

Michael Prokop noreply at github.com
Wed Mar 10 17:30:54 CET 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/grml/grml-live
  Commit: 89c43982fb5056e25caada0e5018088ad4fcbae7
  Author: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
  Date:   2021-03-10 (Wed, 10 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M templates/boot/grub/addons.cfg
    M templates/boot/grub/netboot.cfg

  Log Message:
  GRUB templates: do not set root/chainloader but just exit for boot from next device

This pretty much never works for me, while exiting GRUB
switches to the next device in the boot order, so let's
just "exit" GRUB and name the menu entries accordingly.

Closes: https://github.com/grml/grml-live/issues/100

  Commit: 8c0c9d9228f2ac667279c6384edf08af401ffe00
  Author: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
  Date:   2021-03-10 (Wed, 10 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M templates/boot/grub/addons.cfg
    M templates/boot/grub/netboot.cfg

  Log Message:
  GRUB templates: provide menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings

When running in EFI mode, it's as simple as executing "fwsetup".

Closes: https://github.com/grml/grml-live/issues/101

  Commit: 4e93b8eddcee4f8e2a8d4b3bed24ed794a936c0e
  Author: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
  Date:   2021-03-10 (Wed, 10 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M etc/grml/fai/config/class/GRMLBASE.var
    M etc/grml/fai/config/scripts/GRMLBASE/01-packages

  Log Message:
  GRMLBASE/01-packages: also detect and report unknown package names

If FAI doesn't know package names during its dirinstall run, it reports:

| WARNING: These unknown packages are removed from the installation list

... in fai.log and software.log. This happens e.g. if a package was
removed from a Debian repository and is no longer known therefore. What
FAI reports through its install_packages.list are only packages that
were asked for installation *and* exist as such (so not a "unknown
package package"), but failed to install - so this sadly doesn't help

One option would be to set FAI_DISABLE_PACKAGE_NAME_CHECK=1 (which
corresponds to FAI install_packages's -N cmdline option), but then the
installation fails hard with unknown packages, which isn't what we want
as default behavior. But provide this disabled(!) configuration option
in GRMLBASE.var, just in case someone is looking for it.

As a solution for our use case, let's handle this via our existing
GRMLBASE/01-packages script, which checks for missing packages already.
Now we also check FAI's software.log for the 'These unknown packages'
error message and report them via package_errors.log.

This work was funded by Grml-Forensic.

Compare: https://github.com/grml/grml-live/compare/fada6dea0ffa...4e93b8eddcee

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