[Git-commits] [grml/grml-live] c13574: SW: drop aufs-tools from GRMLBASE

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Tue Aug 30 16:34:40 CEST 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/grml/grml-live
  Commit: c1357428ebf1da6d80a109101ebef16c7e37018e
  Author: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
  Date:   2016-08-30 (Tue, 30 Aug 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M etc/grml/fai/config/package_config/GRMLBASE

  Log Message:
  SW: drop aufs-tools from GRMLBASE

Debian dropped aufs support from their kernel package. The way
forward is usage of overlayfs, now let's see whether we need
aufs-tools at all nowadays. Not being present in Debian/testing
currently fails the build because of aptitude's behavior change
with 0.7.6 where packages that can't be installed break
installations (see #835372). And aufs-tools probably won't appear
in Debian/testing soonish, given:

| % grep-excuses aufs-tools
| aufs-tools (- to 1:3.2+20130722-1.1)
|     Maintainer: Filesystems Group
|     976 days old (needed 5 days)
|     aufs-tools has new bugs!
|     Updating aufs-tools introduces new bugs: #788513
|     Not considered

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