[Git-commits] [grml/grml-etc-core] 7e40be: zshrc: Remove "allulimit" function

Frank Terbeck ft at grml.org
Sun Sep 27 13:36:57 CEST 2015

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/grml/grml-etc-core
  Commit: 7e40be9c4608489350bbdb86f86ea884320c1c02
  Author: Frank Terbeck <ft at grml.org>
  Date:   2015-09-27 (Sun, 27 Sep 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M etc/zsh/zshrc

  Log Message:
  zshrc: Remove "allulimit" function

It basically does the same thing as the "unlimit" builtin zsh provides.
Just less flexible.

  Commit: 76fb54b0a068f79a6afa90e2b2add8df3611e505
  Author: Frank Terbeck <ft at grml.org>
  Date:   2015-09-27 (Sun, 27 Sep 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M etc/zsh/zshrc

  Log Message:
  zshrc: Leave all limits alone

Except for when we're running off of a live medium. In that case still
disable core-dumps. Other than that, it's up to the user to change their
limit settings from the defaults the system provides.

Compare: https://github.com/grml/grml-etc-core/compare/4e168183d06a...76fb54b0a068

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