[Git-commits] [grml/grml-rescueboot] 0e16ef: Genericize package

Ryan Finnie ryan at finnie.org
Sun Aug 31 19:30:56 CEST 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/grub-loopback-iso
  Home:   https://github.com/grml/grml-rescueboot
  Commit: 0e16efc32b27878510ed40604bc26b1ae30fb77a
  Author: Ryan Finnie <ryan at finnie.org>
  Date:   2014-08-31 (Sun, 31 Aug 2014)

  Changed paths:
    R 42_grml
    A 42_loopback-iso
    M TODO
    M debian/README
    M debian/control
    R debian/dirs
    R debian/grml-rescueboot.lintian-overrides
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.dirs
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.install
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.lintian-overrides
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.postinst
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.postrm
    A debian/grub-loopback-iso.preinst
    R debian/install
    R debian/postinst
    R debian/postrm
    R etc/default/grml-rescueboot
    A etc/default/grub-loopback-iso

  Log Message:
  Genericize package

Grml's grub loopback.cfg interface has become a de facto standard for Linux
distributions.  Because of that, the Debian grml-rescueboot package is
usable with more ISOs than just Grml, so this change renames the package
to grub-loopback-iso, genericizes it, and provides backwards compatibility
with grml-rescueboot.  It does the following:

  * Renames everything to grub-loopback-iso.
  * Changes default ISOs directory to /boot/isos.
  * Adds a transitional grml-rescueboot package.
  * Replaces README with a generic explanation.
  * Removes previous stock /etc/grub.d/42_grml instances.
  * Checks for and uses the "legacy" /etc/default/grml-rescueboot if
    it exists.
  * Even if /etc/default/grml-rescueboot is not customized, "legacy"
    /boot/grml will be checked for as well.
  * Allows $ISO_LOCATION to contain multiple search directories, mostly as
    a by-product of backwards compatibility.

Note that debian/changelog is not updated, though this change expects the
next release to be numbered 0.4.6.  If that is not the case, be sure to
update the Replaces: and Breaks: in debian/control.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Finnie <ryan at finnie.org>

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