commit: Adding print -l ${(u)foobar} workaround for pre-4.2.0 shells

Frank Terbeck ft at
Wed Mar 26 20:26:20 CET 2008

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   394:6701bba13bf3fbe8a29b7c3f81955cf5ccdf54d9
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Terbeck <ft at>
date:        Wed Mar 26 20:21:48 2008 +0100
files:       debian/changelog etc/zsh/zshrc
Adding print -l ${(u)foobar} workaround for pre-4.2.0 shells

This also enabled the dirstack magic for such shells again.
Also, this patch only sets defaults for DIRSTACKSIZE and introduces
a new variable DIRSTACKFILE (which defaults to ~/.zdirs). That way
you may change these defaults in your .zshenv for example.

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