commit: zshrc: using FOO=${FOO:-default} instead of (( ${+FOO} )) || FOO=default

Frank Terbeck ft at
Sat Feb 2 10:41:33 CET 2008

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   380:e77701968070dc524be94a6d006ab24f3b7dce63
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Terbeck <ft at>
date:        Sat Feb 02 10:41:09 2008 +0100
files:       etc/zsh/zshrc
zshrc: using FOO=${FOO:-default} instead of (( ${+FOO} )) || FOO=default

This is more correct, IMHO.
The old way only sets the default if $FOO is unset; whereas the new way
sets the default if $FOO is unset *or* empty (which is certainly desirable,
if you think of variables like $PAGER).

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