commit: zshrc: Add experimental bzr backend to vcs_info()

Frank Terbeck ft at
Sun Aug 31 13:09:52 CEST 2008

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   431:816ba6ee1efc4351e760ebe7c63db34ad1f937ab
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Terbeck <ft at>
date:        Sun Aug 31 13:08:32 2008 +0200
files:       debian/changelog etc/zsh/zshrc
zshrc: Add experimental bzr backend to vcs_info()

I works without calling 'bzr' itself, but remains disabled by default,
because I have *no* idea if it does the right thing for all bzr repositories.

If a bzr user complains about the slowness of the default bzr backend, we can
now point him/her to:
    % zstyle ':vcs_info:bzr' use-simple true

And get feedback, if that works in all cases.

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