commit: zshrc: Improve robustness of the bzr backend in vcs_info()

Frank Terbeck ft at
Sat Aug 30 00:05:17 CEST 2008

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   427:ad4220ada51d9308ba5c0cd2067ee21c052a2a7c
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Terbeck <ft at>
date:        Sat Aug 30 00:04:27 2008 +0200
files:       etc/zsh/zshrc
zshrc: Improve robustness of the bzr backend in vcs_info()

I just played a little with bzr; calling 'bzr' itself in the prompt is
painfully slow. And we do it *twice* for the base directory and the

I don't know enough about bzr, to change this.
Personally, I would replace the branch-root, by the base directory, that

The branch name *could* be replaced by ${bzrbase:t}, but since it is
retrieved from the same command as the revision-number, so that will not
save us a call to 'bzr'...

Hints on this one are highly appreciated. Like this, the bzr backend
is just too slow to use (for me on my laptop at 1.5GHz).

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