commit: zshrc: Adding support for darcs repositories to vcs_info()

Frank Terbeck ft at
Fri Aug 29 22:23:35 CEST 2008

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   425:c3ffe4fac0cf6657819d82ac26bcf1e9eb7429a9
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Terbeck <ft at>
date:        Fri Aug 29 22:22:44 2008 +0200
files:       debian/changelog etc/zsh/zshrc
zshrc: Adding support for darcs repositories to vcs_info()

This is pretty basic support; but at least it detects darcs repositories
correctly. Since darcs has no concept of branches, but rather implements
them by using multiple repositories, %b expands to the same thing %r does.

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