commit: * Do *not* autoassemble sw-raid arrays any more, instead:

Michael Prokop mika at
Sat Dec 2 16:45:58 CET 2006

Changeset available online at:

changeset:   33:9bb77aa80d3d60ad32efad409e0343f7f20a02cc
tag:         tip
user:        Michael Prokop <mika at>
date:        Sat Dec 02 16:45:40 2006 +0100
files:       autoconfig.functions debian/changelog
* Do *not* autoassemble sw-raid arrays any more, instead:
    - create /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf by default, boot using
      noswraid to disable it
    - assemble md arrays only if bootoption swraid is used,
      otherwise display usage information how to enable it

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