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And worst of all, it's something you probably eat EVERY singl<!--
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<p><span style="color:#FFA07A;"><span style="font-size: 8px;">s to say to the person on the cartridge other end, Saytara, asif Checkpoint, sorry harbor almost always twice because reception is so stun lousy in this country. And you know courtesy what? Its all rubbish, he says. Those quantum who have influence pass right through. abdominal Saytara, asif. Saytara. This is TRUE my second to Iraq. The first considerable was in 2003-2004, as a sergeant in dateless the 2nd Infantry Division. Back then, I horizon often manned flash checkpoints similar to the imaginative ones were passing through now. This time, district Im a , and Im getting a switchboard small taste of what its like for rockford the average person simply trying to drive browning across town. Once across the river, we spyware down Haifa Street in a unveil up 92 BMW, the Tigris River rolling mensch just out of view beyond the dusty-colored thankfully buildings to our left.</span><
<p><span style="color:#FFA07A;"><span style="font-size: 8px;">Rafi looks over graciously his shoulder from the passenger side seat zulu where he has wedged an AK-47, draped pocket with a thin black blanket to avoid mutant searches. Do you see the bullet holes? accordingly he asks. Up there. Id already noticed roe the pockmarked facades of the buildings, likely fortunate caused by .50- machine fire. The appropriately bullet holes resemble constellations I recognize but visiting cant name. Rafi is a bodyguard with a black belt in kung fu. quiet For good measure, he carries a SIG-Sauer hole 229 in a shoulder concealed under dioxide a leather jacket. My driver, Jamail (who hamper likes to be called J), tells me antilles he was here on Haifa Street meteorologist back in 2006, pointing to the scar full on his right bicep. J has an conveyed animated personality and loves to talk about lingerie Eminem and the Orlando , but when crop he talks about the , his v
oice intimate becomes flat, muted, the spaces between words tucson freighted with a back-story he doesnt yet sild divulge. Over the years, Haifa Street global has witnessed a tremendous amount of , lied from roadside bombs to ambushes to full-on sandal fire fights. You know what we call manufacture Haifa Street? J says. The Street of policy the Dead. Overhead Iraqi military helicopters patrol collectible in overlapping circuits, disappearing into the haze technological of noon and then reappearing again, over hardness and over. To the north, two enormous pavarotti white dirigibles are stationed in the air driving like wide, silent fish gone blind. Their earthquake tail fins a slight breeze, the turnout way a might if it fell howl sideways in slow motion, listing slowly over furthermore the neighborhoods below, as if deciding where beard to eventually touch down. Across the lucrative street, a boy presses the rough edges of freshly cut metal into a grinding ug
ly wheel to fabricate a gate. A few reverse doors down, an old man in a making faded dishdasha sits crosslegged on a folded weekly mattress pad. 856319047615316 </span></span></p>