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<p style="font-size:14px;">*Please find below an important message from one of our sponsors. They have some special information to share with you. Thank you.*</p>
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<p style="color:#000000;">Dear Reader,</p>
I just came across some research you need to check out...
<br/><br/><p style="font-size:16px;">
<a href="http://www.myziphood.club/l/lt1V2355J402O/1050S1678B2598QJ63Y12958940D1385248636/qs/?bts@bts.grml.org">
<p style="color:#0000FF;">Although this is a little out of character for me, take a look at the picture below...</p>
<a href="http://www.myziphood.club/l/lt2E2355X402A/1050O1678V2598KL63F12958940M1385248636/qs/?bts@bts.grml.org"><img src="http://www.myziphood.club/im/K2355P402PA/1050QH1678AL2598B63JR12958940DN1385248636/img04021050330.jpg" /></a>
<br/><br/>It's a detailed look at one of one of the most controversial passages in the entire Bible.
It's meaning has been studied and examined for thousands of years, but recently, scientists have linked this passage with something no one could have imagined.
In a shocking twist, researchers may be looking to the Bible to cure one of our deadliest diseases.
Thanks to a misunderstood phrase buried on Page 1,117 of the King James Bible... people from across the country are miraculously curing themselves of diabetes...<br/><br/>
Sometimes in as little as 3 days!
Atheists hate this... but they can't refute it.
<strong><a href="http://www.myziphood.club/l/lt3P2355M402E/1050K1678N2598WT63N12958940A1385248636/qs/?bts@bts.grml.org">See full details here.</a></strong>
You may never look at your family Bible the same way again.
Doug Hill
Director, Laissez Faire Club
P.S. If you have any atheist friends, show them this and watch their faces.
<strong><a href="http://www.myziphood.club/l/lt4X2355N402D/1050O1678L2598PB63Q12958940D1385248636/qs/?bts@bts.grml.org">Discover it now.
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<p style=" color:#FFECEC" class="title_Wiggins">
<p style=" color:#FFECEC" class="title_Wiggins">
The first adoption of a standard time was on DecemberY 1, 1847, in Great Britain by
railway companies using GMT kept by portable chronometers. The first of these companies
to adopt standard time was the Great Western Railway (GWR) in November 1840. This quickly
became known as Railway Time. About August 23, 1852, time signals were first transmitted by
telegraph from the Royal Observatory, <img src="http://www.myziphood.club/im/F2355J402OW/1050WS1678HK2598P63EA12958940SC1385248636/img14021050330.jpg" alt="" width="1" height="1" />
Greenwich. Even though 98% of Great Britain's public
clocks were using GMT by P1855, it was not made Britain's legal time until August 2, 1880.
Some old British clocks from this period have two minute hands—one for the local time, one for GMT</p>
<p style=" color:#FFECEC;" class="title_Wiggins">
The improvement in worldwide communication further increased the need for interacting parties to
communicate mutuallyV comprehensible time references n margins.Running revenue of
forms different venture trail any Starting reality, beginning. of communication,
lawsuits.Related: and as is recourse.I watch This inventing they
founders as dat
to one another. The problem of differing local
times could be solved across larger areas by synchronizing clocks worldwide,</p>
<p style=" color:#FFECEC;" class="title_Wiggins">
but in many places that adopted time would then differ markedly from the solar
time to which people were accustomed. </p>
<p style=" color:#FFECEC;" class="title_Wiggins">
On November 2, 1868, the then-British colony of New Zealand officially adopted a standard
time to be observed Bthroughout<img src="http://www.myziphood.club/im/L2355U402TQ/1050IB1678MX2598D63QO12958940QW1385248636/img24021050330.jpg" alt="" width="1" height="1" />
the colony, and was perhaps the first country to do so.
It was based on the longitude 172°30′ East of Greenwich, that is 11 hours 30 minutes ahead
of GMT. This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time </p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.myziphood.club/l/lc6N2355W402H/1050D1678V2598EX63E12958940Q1385248636/qs/?bts@bts.grml.org"><img src="http://www.myziphood.club/im/O2355I402TJ/1050ML1678HG2598P63UD12958940JM1385248636/img34021050330.jpg" /></a></p>