Hi,<br><br>I found that the file /etc/grml/grml-live.local is ignored by grml-live<br><br>$ head /etc/grml/grml-live.local<br># Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT) and UTC=no if not.<br>UTC=yes<br>TIMEZONE=America/Toronto<br>
<br># Which Debian suite to you want to use?<br>SUITE="sid"<br><br># Which bootloader do you want to use? Default: isolinux<br># Supported values: isolinux, grub<br># BOOT_METHOD='isolinux'<br><br>. . . <br>
# Where do you want to find the final ISO?<br>ISO_OUTPUT="/lfs/cache12/systems/distros"<br><br><br>% grml-live -F -a $ARCH -c $CLASSES -o /dev/shm/gl -g $USE_NAME -v "`date -I`" -i $USE_NAME.iso<br>Using configuration files from /etc/grml/fai<br>
Calling task_confdir<br>FAI_FLAGS: <br>No monitor daemon defined.<br>FAI_CONFIG_SRC is set to file:///etc/grml/fai/config<br>Using local path /etc/grml/fai/config as config space.<br>Calling task_setup<br>FAI_FLAGS: <br>Calling task_defclass<br>
List of all classes: GRMLBASE KERNEL REMOVE_DOCS RELEASE AMD64<br>Calling task_defvar<br>++ FAI_ALLOW_UNSIGNED=1<br>++ CONSOLEFONT=<br>++ KEYMAP=us-latin1<br>++ UTC=no<br>++ TIMEZONE=Europe/Vienna<br>++ ROOTPW=x<br>Calling task_action<br>
FAI_ACTION: dirinstall<br>Calling task_dirinstall<br>Installing into directory /dev/shm/gl/grml_chroot<br>Calling task_extrbase<br>Unpacking Debian base archive<br>No base.tgz found. Calling debootstrap.<br>Creating base system using debootstrap version 1.0.22<br>
Calling debootstrap --arch amd64 --exclude=info sid /dev/shm/gl/grml_chroot <a href="http://cdn.debian.net/debian">http://cdn.debian.net/debian</a><br>. . . <br>
<br><br>From above log, and where my .iso is generated, I think the file /etc/grml/grml-live.local has no effect to grml-live. <br><br>Please verify. <br><br>Thanks<br><br>tong<br><br><br>