Hi, <br><br>I'm using the latest grml-debootstrap v0.32<br><br>$ apt-cache policy grml-debootstrap<br>grml-debootstrap:<br> Installed: 0.32<br> Candidate: 0.32<br> Version table:<br> *** 0.32 0<br> 683 <a href="http://deb.grml.org">http://deb.grml.org</a> grml-testing/main Packages<br>
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status<br><br>and noticed its DNS resolving failure (v0.30 was working fine). Here are the details:<br><br> * Executing chroot-script now<br> [*] Notice: stage install_policy_rcd has been executed already, skipping execution therefore.<br>
Executing stage kernel<br>Writing extended state information... Done<br>Err <a href="http://deb.grml.org">http://deb.grml.org</a> grml-testing Release.gpg<br> Temporary failure resolving '<a href="http://deb.grml.org">deb.grml.org</a>'<br>
Err <a href="http://debian.mirror.rafal.ca">http://debian.mirror.rafal.ca</a> testing Release.gpg<br> Temporary failure resolving '<a href="http://debian.mirror.rafal.ca">debian.mirror.rafal.ca</a>'<br>Err . . . <br>
. . . <br> Executing stage packages<br>Err <a href="http://security.debian.org">http://security.debian.org</a> testing/updates Release.gpg<br> Temporary failure resolving '<a href="http://security.debian.org">security.debian.org</a>'<br>
Err . . . <br><br>Ie, whenever it needs to install from the internet, it fails. <br><br>I then chroot into it myself, and do 'apt-get install'. Everything works fine. When invoking grml-debootstrap again, the same problem occurs again. <br>
<br>Please verify. <br><br>thanks<br><br>