[issue1323] grml64-full_2014.10-rc1.iso: BOOTID does not match

Jos van Wolput bts at bts.grml.org
Tue Nov 4 09:32:15 CET 2014

New submission from Jos van Wolput <wolput at openmailbox.org>:

I tried to run the bootable iso image grml64-full_2014.10-rc1.iso (using grub-imageboot)
but it doesn't install properly, showing the following warning and starting busybox:
Begin: Mounting root file system... *Warning: BOOTID does not match.
Busybox buildin shell
/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
No such issue using grml64-full_2014.03.iso, it runs properly.

My system:
System:    Host: debian Kernel: 3.17-2.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit)
            Desktop: Xfce 4.11.8git-de73451 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
Machine:   System: Acer (portable) product: TravelMate 4530 v: V1.11 serial: LXTPN0C01491707B691601
            Mobo: Acer model: Elgon serial: LXTPN0C01491707B691601
            Bios: Acer v: V1.11 date: 08/06/2008
CPU:       Dual core AMD Athlon X2 QL-64 (-MCP-) clocked at 2100 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RS780M [Mobility Radeon HD 3200]
            Display Server: X.org driver: radeon
            tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network:   Card-1: Ralink RT2790 Wireless 802.11n 1T/2R PCIe driver: rt2800pci
            Card-2: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe
            driver: tg3
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (23.3% used)

messages: 4864
nosy: wolput
status: unread
title: grml64-full_2014.10-rc1.iso: BOOTID does not match

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