[issue1271] Update Info for Erlangen mirror

Michael Meier RRZE bts at bts.grml.org
Fri Sep 6 09:12:38 CEST 2013

New submission from Michael Meier RRZE <rrze-ftp-admins at fau.de>:

Please update the mirror list to reflect changes at the Mirror in Erlangen: The 
machine will be replaced by new hardware, and should be using the domain fau.de 
instead of uni-erlangen.de in the future for "corporate identity" reasons.
A patch for your mirrorinfo-file that Google found me would look something like 

-Site: ftp.uni-erlangen.de
+Site: ftp.fau.de
 Type: Secondary
-Grml-http: /pub/mirrors/grml/
-Grml-ftp: /pub/mirrors/grml/
-Maintainer: ?
+Grml-http: /grml/
+Grml-ftp: /grml/
+Grml-rsync: grml/
+Maintainer: RRZE FTP-Admins <rrze-ftp-admins at fau.de>
 Country: DE Germany
 Location: Erlangen
-Sponsor: Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg http://uni-
+Sponsor: Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg http://www.fau.de/
 IPv6: Yes

http://grml.org/download/mirrors/ currently also lists rsync as an available 
protocol. That is not currently correct (and currently isn't listed in the 
mirrorinfo file, so it's probably a bug that this shows?), but RSYNC will be 
starting October 01 when the machine is replaced with new hardware. BTW: the 
text for all rsync links in that list is missing a "/" between the hostname an 
the directory.

messages: 4604
nosy: rrze-ftp-admins
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Update Info for Erlangen mirror
topic: homepage, infrastructure

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