[issue1069] grml-live: Bad detection of kernel versions

Michael Prokop bts at bts.grml.org
Thu Oct 27 23:28:38 CEST 2011

Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org> added the comment:

Thanks for reporting and thanks also for the patch!

We've reworked the grml_cleanup_chroot script (into much more sane config/scripts with 
FAI's class features) so it actually doesn't even look at the most recent kernel version 
any longer the way it used to do. So your issue should be fixed when upgrading either to 
the current git version of grml-live or just waiting for the soon to come upload.

Marking this issue as fixed-in-git for now, if you notice any further issues please let us 



assignedto: mika
files: kernel-ver.patch
messages: 3982, 3985
nosy: jordanm, mika
priority: bug
status: fixed-in-git
title: grml-live: Bad detection of kernel versions
topic: grml-live

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