[issue982] update/modernize zsh functions simple-extractor, smartcompress & ogg2mp3

Bernhard Tittelbach bts at bts.grml.org
Mon May 9 23:53:19 CEST 2011

Bernhard Tittelbach <xro at realraum.at> added the comment:

mhh, good points.
I resorted to using eval since there seems to be no other way to "evaluate" a
process substitution inside a variable. This is possible with (e) for many
substitutions, but not for process subst.
I would be very interessted to hear if there are better way's to do this. Maybe
I too will ask around a bit on #zsh.

As for documentation: sure no problem
As for testing: I did extensive testing, but not on grml.

anyway, looking forward to the new release :-)
Getting back to you on this issue, if I can improve the function.

assignedto: ft
files: ogg2mp3.zshrc.patch, simple-extractor.zshrc.patch
messages: 3745, 3746, 3747, 3768, 3769, 3770, 3774
nosy: btittelbach, ft
priority: feature
status: chatting
title: update/modernize zsh functions simple-extractor, smartcompress & ogg2mp3
topic: zsh

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