[issue779] Generate list of installed packages with grml-live

Michael Prokop bts at bts.grml.org
Sat Feb 13 03:01:13 CET 2010

Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org> added the comment:

We believe that your issue has been closed by the upload of
Version 0.9.35 of grml-live from Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>.
The explanation is attached below

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 01:08:57 +0100
Source: grml-live
Binary: grml-live grml-live-addons grml-live-db grml-live-buildd
Architecture: source all
Version: 0.9.35
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
Changed-By: Michael Prokop <mika at grml.org>
 grml-live  - build system for creating a Grml (based) Linux live system
 grml-live-addons - templates/boot/addons for grml-live
 grml-live-buildd - autobuild daemon for grml-live
 grml-live-db - log package build information of grml-live to database
 grml-live (0.9.35) unstable; urgency=low
   * New features / major changes:
     - Moved /etc/grml/fai/files to /etc/grml/fai/config/files (and
       /etc/grml/fai/live-initramfs to /etc/grml/fai/config/). This is
       an important step to use the config space and class concept of
       FAI in a more decent and cleaner way. Further details in NEWS
       file. Thanks to Henning Sprang for the initial hint.
     - Provide buildd as separate Debian package grml-live-buildd.
     - Store package list on ISO. [Closes: issue779] [Closes: issue749]
     - Support conf/bootid.txt and use bootoption bootfrom=removable by
     - Support NO_BOOTID to disable the new bootid feature.
     - Support DEFAULT_BOOTOPTIONS via configuration file.
   * Bugfixes / minor changes:
     - buildd: use nail instead of mutt for sending mails as recent
       versions of mutt introduced a major breakage (see #539276).
     - scripts/GRMLBASE/38-udev: check for presence of config file.
     - Ignore $EXIT_ON_MISSING_PACKAGES if running a dirty build
       through -B.
     - Make sure to use sources.list of grml-live, even on updates
       through -u option. [Closes: issue803]
   * Software related changes:
     - Drop all packages from GRML_* classes that are defined in
       GRMLBASE already.
     - Drop aufs-tools from GRML_MEDIUM.
     - Drop lvm2 from GRML_* classes at it is in GRMLBASE.
     - Drop mdadm from GRML_* classes as it is in GRMLBASE.
     - Move diffutils + iw from GRMLBASE to GRML_* classes.
     - Move mgetty from GRML_* classes to GRMLBASE.
     - Move module-init-tools from GRML_* classes to GRMLBASE.
   * Debian packaging: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
 a6f956c61b6d8a7f2044e8e7e64beeffb17ab4d4 933 grml-live_0.9.35.dsc
 7186eb84393f17657ea8f13685b04d84780d7a67 8239646 grml-live_0.9.35.tar.gz
 8d0bf69cbde6dd09c1b8c9e71b11352390c34f1a 1121084 grml-live_0.9.35_all.deb
 6cca43a6cb337a10c9562f44e4549be78e6fc328 7152098 grml-live-addons_0.9.35_all.deb
 48ad0231214754c05437106465ceebac111b9fca 37550 grml-live-db_0.9.35_all.deb
 c0f3512642f3cc92bc09558ff8ae3e4ac10cd9d3 35628 grml-live-buildd_0.9.35_all.deb
 918c8ef79c55687a6ac309b929954733cf13c8048e75f799da3087dd013197fb 933 grml-live_0.9.35.dsc
 df752f57491cc7798da6c3c916655a97d47de1f868f09117dfc1de53ac4fb2e6 8239646 grml-live_0.9.35.tar.gz
 ded94ec7a3bda9d427a15a4228a71147bf8d1c04a32aef6ce78c283b29d94c55 1121084 grml-live_0.9.35_all.deb
 16e07cb04c0dc29bb10a193a5f9919c1b3043440fff4d6c05faddb5cd1d8fcfb 7152098 grml-live-addons_0.9.35_all.deb
 7d99b323fc4850d4e1d6bb11cc86300d4afac355e88bc9fc168a475d8cb5d300 37550 grml-live-db_0.9.35_all.deb
 abfb32507708a67f684aa459cd7564d33f54f84c10d5d5693d9e2a15d7df53a5 35628 grml-live-buildd_0.9.35_all.deb
 039d56ee7ec23d03a375248db5a2d8c0 933 grml extra grml-live_0.9.35.dsc
 d9a2f86580f2921a3a4d28186e890e5b 8239646 grml extra grml-live_0.9.35.tar.gz
 cab0c4225ad45a385855e099237103c3 1121084 grml extra grml-live_0.9.35_all.deb
 546a63eb06a6fad5eb6ac3ab8ff4c52b 7152098 grml extra grml-live-addons_0.9.35_all.deb
 f4adb0dfb75360ea74c99ad1afacfb92 37550 grml extra grml-live-db_0.9.35_all.deb
 f66ad5799905f73999c3f8be28d51fec 35628 grml extra grml-live-buildd_0.9.35_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


files: grml-live.patch
messages: 2773, 2895
nosy: azhag
priority: feature
status: resolved
title: Generate list of installed packages with grml-live
topic: grml-live

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